These are Partridge Welsummers (the typical color) with the addition of the sexlinked barring gene to make them autosexing and the lavender gene to lighten their color.
The current generation is F6 from the original “olive egger” cross of an Opal Legbar and Gold Welbar cockerel.
Breeding Goals
- Egg Color – Egg color is not consistent, F4 brown eggs were still too light. F5 pullet egg color is still highly variable, but some eggs are looking great. Naturally, those are the ones I am selecting for the F6 generation.
- Crooked Toes – F3 birds showing some crooked toes, will watch for this in future generations. It has been a minor problem with the Welbars over the years. I keep removing any birds with crooked toes, but this seems to be a multi-gene trait that I do not understand. This seems to have a genetic basis because it affects only Welbars, never Legbars which are raised with them. Fortunately, only in small numbers.
Good Things
- Temperament – F5 breeders (heterozygous for the lavender gene) seem exactly like the other Welbars.
- Productivity – Lots of eggs from the residual heterozygosity (hybrid vigor)